Vermont Village Community Development Corporation

Our Mission
We will develop business and community projects and programs that maximize economic development opportunities for community residents, thereby promoting prosperity.
Change is inevitable, and over the years, Vermont Village CDC (Community Development Corporation) has transformed its faith-based focus in the community and internally. VVCDC implemented its first project priority into a physically beautiful public service building now leased by the County of Los Angeles.
Currently, VVCDC’s single-purpose non-profit Vermont Village Human Services, Inc. (VV HSC) owns and manages the LA (Los Angeles) County Administration building (DPSS) building located at 1827 Charlie Sifford Drive, formerly 120th and Western Avenue in Los Angeles.
Business Development and Training

The overall poverty rate and incidence remain high during uncertainties and a sluggish economy.
Vermont Corridor
With the employment trends and the digital divide in computer readiness, repair, and networking, individuals must now more than ever consider careers in technology. Sales of computers are increasing every year, and the job market in this field is booming.
Business and legal reports indicate that careers in this field will continue to grow over the next 20 years, creating a demand in the United States that leads to recruitment of people from abroad.
Our Board of Trustees
What We Have Achieved

Vermont Corridor
Community Partner

What We Are
Currently Doing